Health and healthcare


In the late 1980s, John Eversley  was the trade union nominee to a District Health Authority at the time when the government was  introducing the purchaser-provider split in the  English NHS, the idea of self-governing (hospital) trusts and discusion of extending and increasing charges for healthcare. John thought these changes were uncessary and undesirable (see Eversley,1997,2000, 2001, 2003). During this time he was also heavily involved in the campaign to reinstate  the obstetrician Wendy Savage who had been suspended from practice by people who disagreed with her clinical practice (See Eversley 2007). This period led him to reflect on the issues of accountability in the NHS. Clashes  between top-down, bottom up, professional and managerial, internal and external accountability  were frequent. He then went to work a as an NHS manager in the NHS between 1992 and and 1996. During that time he was responsible for the development of primary care,  user complaints and participation and equalities.

John  (in wheelchair behind Dan Jones on rickshaw) on march demanding reinstatement of Wendy Savage in 1986 (See Eversley, 2007)

The uneven quality, availability and accessibility of primary care was a central issue. Fortunately  it was at  a time when a lot of additional money was available to invest in people, buildings and equipment. It was obvious that we  could and should not do ‘more of the same’.  We needed to think about how to retain and develop and use optimally existing staff.  The discordance between planners and providers  and users of services could not be overcome by an internal market or incentivising practitioners with complicated contracts . We also needed to recruit ‘non-traditional’ entrants to  clinical jobs who would more closely reflect the communities they served.  Both because they might understand the needs of  particularly disadvantaged communities  and also because they were already trained and keen to work, we also identified refugee doctors and nurses as  particular resource we needed to draw on.

In March 2022 John Eversley (together with Bob Pitt) had a chapter on Social Policy and Health published in the 4th Edition of Health Sudies edited by Jenny Naidoo and Jane Wills.


Policy, governance and partnerships

Eversley, J., Pitt, B. (2022). Social Policy and Health  In: Naidoo, J., Wills, J. (eds) Health Studies. Palgrave Singapore: Macmillan pp 235–268

Eversley J (2007) The Health Authority: accountable for What, to Whom and How?  Savage, W.  (Ed) Birth and Power – A Savage Enquiry revisited. Middlesex University Press.

Eversley, J. (2003) Introductory Paper in Isom, M. and Kandhiah, M. [Eds] (2003) The origins and establishment of the internal market in the NHS. London ICBH

Popay, J, and Jee, M, Eversley J. (2000) Evaluation of the London and Northern Health Partnerships. London: Kings Fund

Eversley, J. (2001) The History of NHS Charges. Contemporary British History Volume 15 Summer 2001, Number 2

Eversley, J and Sheppard, C. (2000) Thinking the Unthinkable: Why Charges Don’t Work London: Health Matters. January 2000.

Eversley, J. (1999) Planning for Health in East London Rising East Volume 2, Number 3. January 1999.

Eversley, J and Webster, C. (1997) Light on the Charge Brigade. Health Service Journal. 17 July 1997.

Primary Care

Eversley, J (2012) Continuity in a Changing World London BMA

Greenhalgh, T and Eversley, J. (1999) Quality in general practice:  towards a holistic approach Kings Fund, March 1999.

Eversley, J. (1999) Many Rivers to Cross: medical education and general practice and Greenhalgh, T and Eversley, J The impact of the education service partnership on service quality in Gillam, S, Eversley, J Snell, J and Wallace P (Eds) Building Bridges – Education and Service in General Practice Building Bridges – Education and Service in General Practice  London: Kings Fund

Eversley J The 1990 GP Contract in context in Ellis, N and Chisholm, J (Eds) Making Sense of the Red Book (3rd Edn). Radcliffe Medical Press, 1997.

Health workforce

Recruitment of local people to healthcare

Projects included  designing and evaluating positive action initiatives by City University School of Nursing and Midwifery  and Tower Hamlets NHS (PCT) on how to increase recruitment of local people to clinical jobs.

Eversley, J. (2009) Recruitment to Registered Nursing and Health Care Support Worker Roles from the Local Community ppre Limited.

Heynat J, Winkelmann-Gleed A, Eversley, J. and Ullah A.U. (2007) Increasing Participation amongst ethnic groups within nursing, midwifery, and the health care professionals -Final Evaluation Report ppre

Eversley, J. (2000) Final report on Evaluation and Action Research on Pathways to Access London: QMUL: PPRU, July 2000

Eversley, J and Levy, J.  (Eds) (1997) J: Aspirations and Achievements: the case of Bangladeshis and the professions London QMUL: Public Policy Research Unit

Eversley, J: Action not Words. Healthcare Today, October 1997

Refugee health professionals

Butler C and Eversley, J. (2009) Refugee Health Professionals Survey – Final Report for the Refugee Health Professionals Programme, NHS Employers

Butler C and Eversley, J. (2007) Guiding their way: assisting refugee health professionals The Clinical Teacher Number 4 pp 146 – 152. Blackwell Publishing.

Butler C and Eversley, J. (2007) Department of Health Refugee Health Professional Steering Group: Writing up the work of the Group London: ppre Limited

Butler, C and Eversley, J. (September 2006) REACHE Final Evaluation Report. London: ppre Limited

 Butler, C and Eversley, J. (July 2006) Ready and Waiting. Refugee Doctors in London: their pathways to success London: ppre Limited

Butler, C and Eversley, J. (March 2006) QMUL Refugee Doctors Programme – Final Evaluation Report London: ppre Limited

  Butler, C and Eversley, J. (November 2005) Climbing the Ladder: Refugee doctors in London: their numbers, pathways to practice and success in getting jobs London: ppre Limited

 Butler, C and Eversley, J. (March 2005) More than you think: Refugee Doctors in London, their numbers and success in getting jobs London: ppre Limited

Eversley, J. (and co-authors for two chapters) (2004): four chapters in Refugee Doctors: Support, development and integration in the NHS Eds: Jackson, N. and Carter, Y.) Radcliffe Medical Press

Eversley, J et al (2001) Refugee and Overseas Qualified Nurses living in the UK London: QMUL PPRU, February

Berlin A, Gill P, Eversley J.  (1997) Refugee Doctors a Wasted Resource BMJ 1997; 315: 264.

Specific interventions and conditions

Mental health

Eversley, J. (2014) Is there an Emancipatory Psychiatry? In Moodley, R. and Ocampo, M. Critical Psychiatry and Psychology -Exploring the work of Suman Fernando in Clinical Practice. London: Routledge.

Eversley, J: Smith R; Rifkin, F and Burns, C (2011) Tobacco and mental health: An investigation of beliefs, behaviour and understanding in relation to smoking and chewing tobacco, cessation and the use of services ppre CIC.

Palliative care

Research on access to palliative care for Black and Minority Ethnic communities.  ppre was asked to do some research  based on some evidence which seemed to show that Black and Minority Ethnic communities in a particular London borough were not accessing palliative care. The commissioners of the research thought it might be because Black and Minority Ethnic communities were unfamiliar with or suspicious of palliative care.  The commissioners also thought that the location, practice and ethos of palliative care (often run by Christian charities)  might be inappropriate for many people from  BME communities. While all these things could be true, the research did not go on to explore these!  As part of scoping  the project  we discovered  that the way a particular hospital, which had a high proportion of BME patients,  managed its patient records meant that patients were not recorded as having cancer until after they had died or were discharged. This meant that  after the event they were identified as patients with cancer  who had not been offered palliative care.

Specific conditions and interventions

 Sturdy P, Bremner S, Harper G, Mayhew L, Eldridge S, Eversley, J.  et al. (2012) Impact of Asthma on Educational Attainment  PLoS One 7(11)

Cater, S (Editor, Eversley, J) (2011) Healthy Start and Vitamin D insight Project Report ppre/WHFS NHS Tower Hamlets Women’s Health and Family Services


We completed two projects for Tower Hamlets PCT on immunisation of children. One looked at statistical data to discover which children are not being immunised.  It identified that, for example, Somali children were slightly less likely to be immunised. The second project, carried out with Women’s Health and Family Services did qualitative work on barriers to uptake of immunisation. Among the products of this project were two DVDs:

Moarefvand, M (Dir) (2010c) Barriers to immunisation: Question and Answer session with Dr Helen Bedford on YouTube London: ppre CIC.

Moarefvand, M (Dir) (2010b) on YouTube Barriers to immunisation: discussion with mothers in Tower Hamlets London: ppre CIC

Schickler, P & Eversley, J. (2010) Identifying the barriers preventing parents from getting their children immunised ppre /WHFS Women’s Health and Family Services

Harper, G. (Eversley, J. Ed) (2010) Health Equity Audit of Childhood Immunisation London: ppre CIC

Alcohol harm

John was an adviser to the Alcohol Academy, which was set up with the support of the  Alcohol Education Research Council . Work with the academy included  the development of Action Learning for alcohol harm reduction practitioners.

Health of Black and Minority Ethnic Groups

Eversley J. Ed. (2014) Physical activity from young Somalis’ point of view: a Focus group study in the London Borough of Brent  HSF/ppre CIC

Mirza, K. and Eversley J. Eds (2011b) Islam and Health (80-minute DVD) London: ppre CIC.

Mirza, K. and Eversley J. Eds (2011a) Islam and Health workshops on YouTube Islam and Health

Eversley, J and Rashid, T. (1998) Commissioning Culturally Sensitive Services in Hillingdon. London: PPRU QMUL

Public and patient participation

Eversley, J and Skinner, J (June 2006) Access and Quality: The Experience of GPs in Barnet Research carried out for Barnet Patient and Public Involvement Forum 2005-06 Primary Health & Social Care Centre, London Metropolitan University

Training for Patient and Public Involvement BLT; Quality Standards

Joint project with London Metropolitan University on GP’s views of patients undertaken for Barnet Patient and Public Involvement Forum.

Early Intervention With Children In NI

in 2017/18 John Eversley was  commissioned by the Health and Social Care Board in Northern Ireland to draft a Professional Development strategy for the workforce involved in Early Interventions with children and young people. This project came to a halt because there is no Executive (Government) to consult on the proposals made.