Trust For London
Trust for London (formerly City Parochial Foundation) is a large grant-making trust. As well as funding applicants for grants, it commissions strategic projects, several of which have been undertaken by ppre:
- Leadership in the Somali community
- Development of a leadership course for Black Minority Ethnic, Migrant and Refugee organisations . The course ran in the spring of 2013. It was designed by John Eversley but largely delivered by the Evelyn Oldfield Unit as John was working in Kurdistan at the time
Queen’s University Belfast
The Science Shop and Graduate School at Queen’s contract with ppre for specific programmes:
- Education round the policy-making process and responsible research
- Teaching undergraduates research skills
- Mastering Your Leadership
Betweeen 2017 and 2021 John taught management and leadership to postgraduate Sustainable Development students, employed directly by the university.
During the academic year 2020-21 there was no face-to-face teaching on the Leadership for Sustianble Development course and we could not take students on field trips so we made videos to enhance remote teaching:
- Peatlands videos playlist (2021) – videos made by Catherine Allen. The peatlands of the island of Ireland are a vital resouce for capturing carbon, providing fresh water, sustaining biodiversity and are stunning landscapes when properly maintained, but they are under threat.
- Sailortown: a district of Sailortown where students worked on ideas for sustainable regeneration. As well as videos specifically made for the sustainable development course by Catherine Allen, the playlist includes links to many other Videos about Sailortown
- A major part of the sustianable deevleopment course is the opportunity to have placements. Remote placements posed new challanges for students and supervisors: how not to behave in a remote meeting with a new supervisor London: Big Telly (2020) Bad practice call
Earlier video work for universities includes:
For Queen’s University Belfast:
- Eversley, J. (Director); Higgins, K. (Producer) (2019) Pre placement workshop. A video of a Forum Theatre workshop to prepare postgraduate students for work placements London: ppre
For London Metropolitan University:
- Moarefvand, M (Dir) and Hopkins, E (Editor) (2011) More than Moaning – Using Forum Theatre for evaluation of education on YouTube London: ppre
- Eversley J and Rifkin F (2007) Forum Theatre Forum Theatre BICOM