Collaborative Projects

Work with Macroscopia

ppre’s sister company Macroscopia focuses on work in Northern Ireland, particuarly around sustainability. Some projects are more  appropriately undertaken by ppre. Work with students on finding new and higher value uses for wool from sheep reared in Northern Ireland has been undertaken by  both companies is written up at May 2023 Making the Most of NI Wool

UNICEF Salahaddin University Hawler

In 2013 John Eversley was invited to be part of a team from Queen Mary University of London and Queen’s University Belfast to be part of a team funded by the British Council to help the Social Work Department  at Salahaddin University Hawler in the Kurdish region of Iraq, develop its research capacity.  He  later gave a presentation in Jordan on the project. This  project led to the connection with Queen’s which in turn led to setting up Macroscopia.

In 2013 -14 John Eversley  was recruited as consultant to  funded by UNICEF to advise the university on the development of the Social Work course. He made two trips to Kurdistan. He later gave a presentation at  an international conference held in Iraq on the project.

International Bar Association Darfur

In 2013 John went to Arusha in Tanzania  to train Human Rights Defenders working in Darfur in community development. This project  and the work in Kurdistan  are part of the background to a  book, which John is co-editing with Avila Kilmurray and Sinead Gormally on community development and peacebuilding to be published by Policy Press.

Training Young People In Photography

Eamonn Burke-Duggan has  led a project training young people in photography for LB Camden