Social Care

We have worked in Islington, Tower Hamlets and Newham. In Islington and Tower Hamlets the work focused on adult social care. In Newham it was part of a larger programme on Best Value.


Projects included

  • LBI Service User feedback
  • Work for LB Islington on disabled and older people’s experience and expectations of the way that changes are being made to the way that social care is being arranged– the introduction of Individual Budgets
  • An Exemplar Project on Vulnerable families – LB Islington’s alternative framing of the government’s Troubled Families programme

Adult Social Care In Tower Hamlets

Projects included:

2013 Tower Hamlets support planning evaluation

Between 2013 and 2015 we managed a programme of peer research on Adult Social Care in Tower Hamlets. In 2014-15 the team of Service Users and Peer researchers (the SUPER team) carried out a programme of research and training.  This included:

  • evaluations of services for people living in supported housing; an educational programme for people recovering from mental health problems and information and advice about services under the 2014 Care Act
  • Work with bilingual workers on their experience of interpreting, working with people from ‘their’ community and co-workers
  • Young people with Learning Disabilities knowledge and expectations as they move from Children’s to Adult Services
  • Training for health and social care staff in Difficult Conversations. We added to the repertoire of scenarios we worked on particularly to include the implications of the Care Act and public health issues ‘Making Every Contact Count’.

Three DVDs/YouTube clips were developed reflecting the training work and what the experience of being part of the SUPER team has been like for its members

Among other outputs were two videos for use with staff and users, using Forum Theatre techniques:

Clean?  is a video is designed to explore how a social worker might discuss sexual health with a service user Cuts and Nails is a scenario about possible changes to a person’s support under the 2014 Care Act and possible safeguarding issues

The experience of taking part in the research was seen very positively by the SUPER team (Service Users and Peer Researchers). Their reflections are in a video Video Bytes. We created continuing opportunities for the team in other roles, with some success


Publications Social Care

Johnson, R. – Director (2015) Video Bytes: peer researcher reflections on their experience: Video Bytes London: ppre CIC

Rifkin, F. (Director); Johnson R. & Eversley J. (Producers) (2015b)  Clean? designed to explore how a service user might raise issues about sexual health with a practitioner and to stimulate discussion about how the practitioner might respond as part of Making Every Contact Count. London: ppre CIC

Rifkin, F. (Director); Johnson R. & Eversley J. (Producers) (2015a)  Cuts and Nails: a scenario about possible changes to a person’s support under the 2014 Care Act and possible safeguarding issues. London: ppre CIC

Eversley, J. (2014) Report on Difficult Conversations workshops London: ppre CIC

Eversley, J. (2012) Support Planning Evaluation (for LB Tower Hamlets) London: ppre CIC

Eversley J. Ed (2010) Report on Peer Research On Individual Budgets in Islington LBI/ppre/daii.

Murphy, T and Smith, R. (2010) Packington Families Project Evaluation Report London: ppre CIC